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LinkedIn Group: http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/132660/0011DE7A82CA

See also Photos

CITCON Europe 2023 Berlin

Roland Eschenburg Aha at the Ahoy!

CITCON Europe 2016 Cluj-Napoca

Peter Zsoldos conference notes

Adina Moldovan Volunteering for CITCON 2016

Dolores Pente CITCON Europe 2016 – my first experience with this conference

Alexandra Casapu Another perspective on Citcon 2016

CITCON North America 2015 Ann Arbor

CITCON Europe 2015 Helsinki

Gojko Adzic Mind map from "Testing Tools: The next generation"

Tom Denley Lightning talk at TIM Group following Helsinki sharing thoughts on configuring CI through code

CITCON Asia 2015 Hong Kong

How to make people do pair programming?

CITCON North America 2014 Austin Texas

Mitch Fincher shares his pictures and some jumbled notes

CITCON Europe 2014 Zagreb

Adina Moldovan: http://altom.ro/blog/citcon-2014

Karlo Smid report: http://zagorskisoftwaretester.blogspot.com/2014/09/citcon-2014-zagreb-report.html

uTest list of top tweets: https://blog.utest.com/2014/09/26/top-tweets-from-citcon-2014/

CITCON ANZ 2014 Auckland

Katrina Clokie : Non-functional testing in continuous delivery

CITCON Europe 2013 Turin

Peter Zsoldos : http://blog.zsoldosp.eu/2013/09/30/citcon-turin-2013/

CITCON North America 2013 Boston

CITCON ANZ 2013 Sydney


http://www.nztester.co.nz/oztester_files/OZTester01.pdf - Magazine with a write up on the conf (PDF)

CITCON Europe 2012 Budapest

Attila Magyar : http://athos.blogs.balabit.com/2012/10/citcon-europe-2012-tdd-is-like-sex/

Željko Filipin : http://filipin.eu/citcon-europe-2012-in-budapest/

Viktor Sadovnikov http://prezi.com/uufxsflf00hf/citcon-2012/ - Prezi presentation of participation in CITCON

CITCON North America 2012 Portland Oregon

CITCON Asia 2012 Singapore

Riju Kansal http://aaoblogkare.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/citcon-cool-great-experience.html

CITCON Europe 2011 London UK

Peter Zsoldos http://blog.zsoldosp.eu/2011/11/citcon-london-2011.html


Skillsmatter (the venue provider) put up the video recorded of the following sessions on their site at http://skillsmatter.com/event/agile-testing/citcon :

CITCON Europe 2010 London UK

Eric Lefevre-Ardant http://ericlefevre.net/wordpress/2010/11/08/citcon-london-2010/

Gojko Adzic http://gojko.net/2010/11/09/beyond-basic-tdd/

Peter Zsoldos http://blog.zsoldosp.eu/2010/11/my-citcon-london-2010-experience.html

CITCON ANZ 2010 Wellington New Zealand

Manuel Kueblboeck enjoyed his first open space and learned about different styles of pair programming

CITCON North America 2010 Raleigh/Durham North Carolina

CITCON Europe 2009 Paris France

Gojko Adzic http://gojko.net/2009/09/19/citcon-europe-09/ http://gojko.net/2009/09/21/mocks-are-not-about-isolation-but-about-responsibilities/ http://gojko.net/2009/09/24/top-10-reasons-why-teams-fail-with-acceptance-testing/

Joe Schmetzer http://www.exubero.com/joe/2009/09/citcon-europe-2009/

Nicolas Martignole CITCON 2009 (in French), Done and Testing (also in French), mock, mock and mock (in French too), user acceptance tests (yes, in French)

Anthony Dahanne http://blog.dahanne.net/2009/09/18/citcon-europe-2009-paris/

Jérôme Van Der Linden http://www.javasioux.fr/blog/2009/09/20/compte-rendu-citcon-paris-2009/ (in French), and also on Octo's blog (in French)

Antony Marcano http://www.testingreflections.com/node/view/8274

Zouheir Cadi Paris JUG at CITCON (in French)

Romain Linsolas http://linsolas.free.fr/pro-blog/blog4.php/2009/09/21/citconf-paris-2009-autour-des-sessions (in French) http://linsolas.developpez.com/articles/conferences/citconf2009/ (in French)

Emmanuel Servent http://blog.xebia.fr/2009/09/21/citcon-paris-2009/ (in French)

Eric Lefevre-Ardant on mock objects, on faster test, on the organization, and on the CITCON Europe 2009 predictions

Xavier Bourguignon Hortis at CITCON (in French)

Pierre-Emmanuel Dautreppe http://www.pedautreppe.com/post/CITCON-2009-in-Paris.aspx

Thibaut Van Spaandonck http://thibautvs.com/blog/?p=1001

Fabien Duminy CITCON Europe 2009 : in English in French

Jason Sankey CITCON Paris 2009: Distributed SCMs and CITCON Paris 2009: Mocks, CI Servers and Acceptance Testing

CITCON Australia/New Zealand 2009 Brisbane Queensland

Craig Smith http://cds43.wordpress.com/2009/07/06/wrap-up-from-citcon-brisbane/

Alex Garrett http://lexecorp.com/2009/06/28/citcon/

Rowly Emmett http://rowlyemmett.blogspot.com/2009/06/citcon-brisbane-2009.html

Mirek Rzadkowski pencasts

CITCON North America 2009 Minneapolis Minnesota

Lisa Crispin http://blogs.stickyminds.com/Blogs/tabid/91/EntryId/77/Continuous-Integration-and-Testing.aspx

CITCON Europe 2008 Amsterdam Netherlands

Eric Lefevre : back from CITCON Amsterdam, Is Scrum evil?, coding dojo on legacy code

Harald Walker : thinks with open space that less is more

Hinse ter Schuur : has posted one, two, three different posts with notes from his sessions.

Jason Gorman : in brief

Jason Sankey : favorite session was Flickering Builds

Jean-Michel Garnier : is also back from CITCON Amsterdam

Markus Hjort : CITCON Amsterdam first impressions

Olivier Gaudin : posted thoughts on several sessions

Patrick Debois : was convinced to go deeper into development

Yegor Yarko : is ready to meet at the next CITCON Europe

Matt Wynne: on the value fetish

Willem van den Ende: on the coding dojo

Zouheir Cadi: Don't miss the next European CITCON

Pierre-Emmanuel Dautreppe: http://www.pedautreppe.com/post/CITCON-2008-in-Amsterdam---Part-2.aspx

CITCON Asia-Pacific 2008 Melbourne Australia

Colin Goudie : On his first night in Melbourne

Ronald Sunarno : .Net Developer had fun at CITCON

Tim Koopmans : CITCON 2008 Melbourne

Zutubi : Zutubi announces their presence at CITCON

Ben Kelly : Ben's initial thoughts on CITCON Melbourne

Colin Goudie : Thoughts on "Session Day"

Mark Derricutt : Impressed by his hotel room and the conference venue

Eddy Pronk: lessons learned on CITCON

Nigel Charman: CITCON Melbourne '08

Stuart Moncrieff: JDS at CITCON Asia-Pacific 2008

CITCON North America 2008 Denver Colorado

Andrew Binstock: Easy Does It With easyb

Paul Holser: shares his thoughts on CITCON Denver

Ben Rady: says CITCON Rocks!

David Vydra: is happy he went to CITCON

Jeff Peters: recaps the sessions he attended

RJ Bruneel: was skeptical about the open space format but convinced by the experience. he also wrote up some notes.

Mark Waite: was impressed by the people at the conference and still needs to write about the conference results...

Lisa Crispin: CITCON Denver takeaways

CITCON Europe 2007 Brussels Belgium

Erik Doernenburg: CITCON - CCMenu announcement

Marc Evers: CITCON Europe 2007

Eric Lefevre: Back from CITCON, Jester & Jumble, Hudson. Talks about a Hudson plugin using some of the ideas from past CITCONs.

Andrew Binstock on Why CITCON?

Ivan Moore recaps CITCON Brussels. And is looking forward to CITCON Amsterdam

Pierre-Emmanuel Dautreppe http://www.pedautreppe.com/post/CITCON-2007-in-Brussels---Part-2.aspx

CITCON Asia-Pacific 2007 Sydney Australia

Mark Derricutt's blog entries on CITCON: http://www.talios.com/tags/?/citcon

Jason Yip's key take away points

Erik Petersen's mini-review and mentions-CITCON-in-Passing musing on Levi technique

Kristan Vingrys's blog entry on CITCON: one of my key take away points

Tom Adams' comments

The Zutubi retrospective

CITCON North America 2007 Dallas Texas

Jason Huggins pictures taken with his MacBook: http://picasaweb.google.com/jrhuggins/CITCONNorthAmerica2007

Eric Pugh's blog entries on CITCon: OpenSource Connections

Chris Turner's summary: CITCON North America �07

Andy Glover: http://thediscoblog.com/2007/04/28/whats-after-ant/

David O'Hara: http://blog.davidohara.net/2007/05/01/citcon-2007/

Vandana Shah: http://www.developertesting.com/archives/month200705/20070504-CITCONOpenSpaceConferenceRocks.html

Matt Smith: http://netsmith.blogspot.com/2007/05/continuous-integration-and-testing.html

Elisabeth Hendrickson: http://www.testobsessed.com/2007/05/01/the-power-of-community/

Jason Darling: http://blogs.dovetailsoftware.com/blogs/jason_darling/archive/2007/05/11/citcon-2007-review.aspx

CITCON Europe 2006 London England

Ivan Moore: http://ivan.truemesh.com/archives/000651.html

Mike Cannon-Brookes: http://blogs.atlassian.com/rebelutionary/archives/2006/10/citcon_london_2.html


Julian Simpson: http://juliansimpson.blogspot.com/2006/10/citcon-was-awesome.html

Willem van den Ende: http://me.andering.com/2006/10/08/citcon-london-2006-photos/
Willem's pictures

Eric Lefevre: http://ericlefevre.net/wordpress/2006/10/08/citcon-london-2006/

Joe Schmetzer: http://www.exubero.com/blog/20061012_CITCON_London_2006_Retrospective.html

Owen Evans:

Michael Kloss: http://www.clau-mich.de/weblog/archives/2006/10/#e2006-10-07T08_40_34.txt

CITCON North America 2006 Chicago Illinois


James Shore: http://www.jamesshore.com/Blog/Citcon-in-London.html

Jason Huggins: http://www.jrandolph.com/blog/2006/04/10/does-a-testing-tool-prove-the-functionality-of-software/

Al Wick: http://wickidcool.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=44&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0

Nola: http://phpgirl.blogspot.com/2006/04/never-dull-moment.html