Using Groovy in Testing

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The bulk of the session introduced the Groovy language.

Benefits of using Groovy for writing developer tests were summarised as:

  • Test code is shorter and sweeter (than Java)
  • You can use GroovyConsole or the interactive shell (groovysh) to try things out live
  • JUnit 3.8 built-in
  • Powerful assertion capability built-in to Groovy (though for JUnit4 assertions, you need to use static imports)
  • JUnit 4 support including Parameterized tests and Theories: Groovy Doco
  • TestNG support
  • Full Java library support
  • Built-in support making it easy to parse XML and access databases for data-driven tests
  • Groovy's built in mocking is easy to use (but often you can get by with Closures, maps or expandos)
  • Groovy is great for creating testing DSLs
  • Groovy's fun!!

To use as a JUnit test, the simplest way is to extend GroovyTestCase. With the Groovy plugins installed, you can use Groovy JUnits in the same way as Java JUnits.